2 Replies to “Cadillac Planning Commission 10/23/23”

  1. Beverly Peters

    After watching the planning commission meeting regarding the use of a boarding house, I found most of it based on “what ifs” What if there was a drug user, sex offender, other dangerous individuals? But what if it were not?? I volunteer at the Michigan State Police Training Academy at least eight times per year. We have a recruit that will be working at the Cadillac Post by the end of November. This would have been a great place for him to stay until he can get acclimated to the area and find where he wants to rent/buy a home. I also know a man (engineer) who is traveling from Gladwin and works in Cadillac, waiting to move his family when the time is right regarding school and finding a place to live. This would have been an ideal place for him to stay Monday thru Thursday night and he can return to his family for the weekend. While here, he can look around and find a place to buy or rent. So now, instead of having drug addicts or sexual offenders, or more “what ifs”, we have a Michigan State Trooper and an engineer living there. Is the neighborhood going to object to this too??

    Also regarding short term rentals. The biggest complaint I hear is noise and parking? Don’t we already have ordinances in place for both of those?

    I would like to see the short term rentals be registered with a reasonable fee. We could then hire an enforcement officer who could be available to take the complaints and hopefully arrive on site. The first time at this address could be a warning. If there is a second time, a fine – $200-300 levied against the homeowner. If there is a third time, a $500.00 find levied against the homeowner. And the next time, their license would be revoked. I hope that this would get the homeowner’s attention and they would, themselves or their property manager, give explicit rules regarding noise, parking, etc. for the visitors. Of course, you may have a neighbor that doesn’t like the homeowner, and constantly call the enforcement officer, but that could be left to the officer’s discretion. There are plenty of retired police officers who would would be willing to take a job like this.

    Also, what about all the non-homesteaded homes, i.e., second homes, vacation homes, where people come for a weekend or for a week? Guess what? That creates noise, parking issues, etc. Are you going to limit the number of second homes too? Are they not taking away from the housing shortage?

    And probably what was the most appalling to me was that Laura states, “that the money is quite impressive, they’re making some great money”. And is that any of her or your business? What about the people who owns homes and rent them out? Are they making money? Is it “impressive or great money?”

    Thank you for time and attention.

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