Doing these things are never easy is absolutely correct, however I am questioning how apartments ranging from $800-$1300 is going to solve our housing crisis. This was clearly stated by a 19 year old during this meeting. A senior that has lived in the same apartment for 18 years, had his apartment building sold twice in the last three years. The newest purchaser did a walk through and called him the next day told him that May 1….6 weeks from the walk through, his rent will be going from $660 to $1600 per month. How can an Iidividual on a fixed income not end up homeless with these conditions. This community needs desperately affordable housing. I spent an entire day calling every number I could get and there was a 1 to 3 year waiting list for any income based housing. Please reconsider, or at the very least consider the needs of the community.
Comments are not on the official record. If interested in providing public comment, please attend the meeting in person or contact your City Council Member. You may find your City Council Members contact information at
Doing these things are never easy is absolutely correct, however I am questioning how apartments ranging from $800-$1300 is going to solve our housing crisis. This was clearly stated by a 19 year old during this meeting. A senior that has lived in the same apartment for 18 years, had his apartment building sold twice in the last three years. The newest purchaser did a walk through and called him the next day told him that May 1….6 weeks from the walk through, his rent will be going from $660 to $1600 per month. How can an Iidividual on a fixed income not end up homeless with these conditions. This community needs desperately affordable housing. I spent an entire day calling every number I could get and there was a 1 to 3 year waiting list for any income based housing. Please reconsider, or at the very least consider the needs of the community.
Comments are not on the official record. If interested in providing public comment, please attend the meeting in person or contact your City Council Member. You may find your City Council Members contact information at
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